
Test zoom connection quality
Test zoom connection quality

test zoom connection quality

Screen sharing and audio VoIP calling uses 60-100kbps. Below is a list of the most common programs with their respective bandwidth requirements: Zoom requires between 1 Mbps and 3 Mbps (up/down) for video streaming, depending on the quality, and whether it is 1:1 or group video.

test zoom connection quality

Note that video conferencing has much higher upstream requirements than other applications.

test zoom connection quality

Also, with residential internet connections, upstream (upload) bandwidth is usually much lower than downstream (download) bandwidth. Most broadband connections are able to easily accommodate single user video conferencing without any issues, however, keep in mind that multiple users at home may be using bandwidth-intensive applications including video conferencing, gaming, streaming online video content, downloading Windows updates, etc. With the increase in remote work and school activities, it is important to know the bandwidth requirements for various products so you can plan for a sufficient internet connectivity accordingly. Bandwidth requirements for video conferencing vary depending on the software/platform you use, however the average seems to be about 2 Megabits/second both down and upstream for high-definition video.

Test zoom connection quality